Frenectomy (Over 2 Post-Op Care)

What to Expect

In general, the procedure is very well tolerated by children. We take every measure to ensure that discomfort and stress are minimized during the procedure.

1. General anesthesia and oral sedation are not utilized in our office for a frenectomy.

2. Prior to use of the diode laser we place a topical numbing gel to the area(s) that will be treated.

3. By age 2, the ties have gotten thicker, so an injected local anesthetic is sometimes used.

4. You may stay as long as you would like after the procedure.

What About Discomfort?

Most children experience only minimal discomfort for the first 24-48 hours after the procedure. If your child seems uncomfortable, Tylenol (Acetaminophen) can be given.

Please consult a qualified medical provider for homeopathic remedies. Please note that products containing Benzocaine (i.e. Orajel) should not be used due to health risks in young children.

One of the many benefits of using the diode laser for this procedure is that minimal bleeding occurs. However, the area treated by the diode laser causes an ulcer-like wound that will need time to heal. That is why you may see a white-colored area where the procedure is performed. Cold water in a dropper placed on the wound every hour for the first day or two can be very soothing and cooling. Ice, popsicles, and cold drinks can be soothing for children as well.

Important Concepts to Understand

1. Any open oral wound likes to contract towards the center of that wound as it is healing. Separate the wound to guide healing and avoid reattachment.

2. If you have two open raw surfaces in the mouth in close proximity, they will want to reattach.


The main complication of releasing a tie is the mouth heals so quickly 

that it may prematurely reattach at eitherthe tongue site or lip site, causing a new limitation in mobility and the persistence or return of symptoms.We feel that post-procedure lifts are essential in achieving an optimal

result. These lifts are NOT meant to be forceful or prolonged. Your baby may be upset or uncomfortable during lifts; however, it is important to complete the lifts properly and as instructed.

A small amount of spotting or bleeding is common after the procedure as the site heals, especially in the first few days; however, in using a diode laser, the bleeding is minimized.

Recommended Lifting Schedule

Next Day: Start your lifting routine. We recommend lifts be done 6 times in a 24 hour period. You do not have to do overnight lifts unless your baby is awake. You will continue doing your daily lifts until your lactation consultant, body worker, speech or feeding therapist graduates you or until the white/open wound has fully healed. The Upper Lip is the easier of the two sites to lift so we recommend that you start with the lip.

For the upper lip, lift the lip up to cover nostrils and hold for 5 seconds. You will do this lift 6 times during a 24 hour period.

The Tongue should be your next area to lift. Place fingers in the upper outer edges of the "diamond" (not in the wound bed). Use both index fingers to lift under the tongue like a forklift. Hold it there for up to 5 seconds. The goal is to completely unfold the diamond so that it's almost flat in orientation.

The Buccal is the last area to lift if your child had them released. Lift cheeks up and outward away from the midline like a fishhook and hold for 5 seconds.

Call our office for any of the following:

• Uncontrolled bleeding

• Fever greater than 101.5